Dec. 7, 2023

108: Married To The Vet Profession: Advice From (And For) Our Significant Others. With Regina Carey

108: Married To The Vet Profession: Advice From (And For) Our Significant Others. With Regina Carey

Regina Carey is a coach, public speaker and special educator who works to help drive change within the veterinary and human healthcare professions. But in this interview we focus on another aspect of her life: she’s married to a veterinarian, and therefore, by default, married to the veterinary profession. 

In this episode we explore what’s that like to be the significant other in the life of a vet, what it takes to support a vet career, and what our partners want us to know. Regina gives us the solution to making space in a relationship for two careers, especially when one of the careers can be particularly time and commitment hungry!

We also pick Regina’s coach brain with topics like invisible disabilities, the not-so obvious things that get in the way of becoming the best version of ourselves, like excessive competitiveness, the consequences of the language we use with ourselves, and how to draw a hard line with aggressive clients. But first, we start with a veterinary love story…

You can find Regina at her website, Queen Of Action and on LinkedIn.

Topic List:

04:22 Regina's experience being married to a vet.

12:53 You don't need to sacrifice everything to be a vet.

16:31 Making space for two careers in a relationship.

24:09 Regina's career before she delved into vet stuff.

28:15 Coaching people with invisible disabilities.

35:24 The link between competitiveness and a lack of self esteem.

40:08 Why are supportive relationships vital in the vet industry?

46:18 Holding space for a relationship or your partner as a vet.

48:15 How do you find the support systems?

51:48 How to disallow disrespect without being rude.

58:46 Regina's advice for the significant others of a vet.

62:25 Things that makes the vet industry uniquely challenging to a coach.

65:18 "How do you solve the gap between vets wanting more money for less work?"

70:27 Regina's favourite podcasts.

71:38 Regina's advice to new grad vets.

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Regina's podcast recommendations.

We can do hard things with Glennon Doyle and Abby Wambach

The Hidden Brain an NPR podcast

Burnout by the Nagoski Sisters