From episode 170 on our Medicine Stream. With Dr Belinda Hopper.
It's not often that we get to add a brand new condition to our list of differentials for a problem. But this is one of those times. At last year's ASAV conference I recorded this episode with radiologist Dr Belinda Hopper, where she shared what they’ve been learning about regurgitation and coughing in this episode. Here’s something to get you thinking:
A study using fluoroscopy swallow-studies showed that up to 75% of dogs with a chronic cough had some degree of abnormal regurgitation.
It turns out that many of our ‘chronic-cough-with -no-real-explanation’ dogs have pneumonitis because of constant micro-aspiration events, often without actual bacterial aspiration pneumonia.
Lung signs will usually drastically improve when the regurgitation is addressed.
It’s called aerodigestive disorder and no, it’s not just a brachy thing - they’re seeing it in pretty much any breed you can think of.
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