From episode 140 of the Surgery podcast. With Dr. Toby Trimble.
This one is less of a pearl and more of a lightbulb moment. In this discussion about local nerve blocks anaesthetist Dr Toby Trimble explained why local blocks are so important:
If we take the definition of ‘analgesia’ as a reduction in pain perception, then our opioids are not actually analgesics. They don’t stop pain propagation - they just make you care less about the pain!
Local anaesthetics, on the other hand, actually block the propagation of the pain signal from the site of injury to the dorsal horn and the brain.
That’s a good thing! Dr Toby uses the metaphor of forest path: the more it’s used the more well-worn it becomes, the easier it is to travel along that path. Pain is the same, and local blocks stop (or at least delay) the pain signal from starting a new track in the forest that is the nervous system.
This means fewer ‘stop worrying about the pain’ meds during and after surgery.
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