Dec. 18, 2024

Paracetamol vs Meloxicam

Paracetamol vs Meloxicam

From Episode 144 on the Surgery Feed. With Dr. Matt Gurney.

I still sometimes wonder if I’m putting a screen door on a submarine when I’m prescribing paracetamol for serious pain, despite a few paracetamol conversations on the podcast. But I’m much more convinced after Dr. Matt Gurney shared this study with us that compared paracetamol and meloxicam for post-op pain control (both soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery.)

The result: same level of analgesia! 

However, Dr. Matt says that you do need to give the right:

  • Dose: 10mg/kg won’t cut it. Matt’s pick is 20mg/kg orally, 15mg/kg iv. (There is a licensed product that is registered for 30mg/kg, just in case 20 makes you feel uncomfortable!) 

  • Frequency: TID is the ticket. At BID you’ll be falling short.


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