
April 11, 2022

#66: Beyond the dip: a career waiting on the horizon. With Dr Aaron Forsayeth

How much do you dislike doing dentals? If you’re like most vets I’m guessing that the answer to that question is - “I dislike it rather a lot.” But then there’s that small minority of vets who just love teeth. Our guest for …
March 25, 2022

#65: Ehrlichia canis update

It’s happened: In late January 2022, an astute veterinarian in Mount Isa diagnosed the first locally acquired case of the tick-borne disease, ehrlichiosis, in a Queensland dog. As predicted the disease is making its way sout…
March 15, 2022

#64: Never work with animals. With Dr Gareth Steel.

"High consequence decision making in a complex environment, with imperfect data, on a budget." The definition of GP vet practice, according to Gareth Steel! Gareth has been a mixed practice vet for 20 years with experience a…
March 2, 2022

Diabetes 101: Everything insulin

Here are some facts about insulin that you are likely familiar with: 0.25-0.5 IU/kg starting dose. Do a glucose curve soon after starting insulin to assess the response. Feed a special diabetic diet. Give insulin at the time…
Feb. 17, 2022

# 63: A walk on the wild side, with Dr Rosie Booth.

Dr Rosie Booth is a wildlife veterinarian and has been one since before that was even a job description. Rosie has 40 years of experience in conservation and wildlife work, which started with a masters degree in koala adrena…
Feb. 5, 2022

# 62: Openness, togetherness and heroic service: new solutions to old problems. With Dr David Bessler

Imagine a world where vets and their team members are bubbling with excitement about their job. Where they go on about how great their clients are, they talk about how good their pay is, and about how very fulfilling their c…
Jan. 31, 2022

Ocular emergencies: Proptosis. Wit Dr Izak Venter

There’s something about eyes that makes vets either love treating them, or totally hate them, and in my experience, a lot of vets hate them! They tend to be at maximum grossness and highest levels of intimidating when they p…
Jan. 28, 2022

# 61: Good grief: How to navigate the grieving journey for veterinary teams. With Rhonda Andrews

You'll bump onto grief several times a day on an average shift at a vet clinic. But do you UNDERSTAND it? Do you face it head-on, or does it make you uncomfortable, so you run and hide when you see it coming? Do you even se…
Jan. 21, 2022

#60: Antibiotic mythbusting. With Dr Ri Scarborough

Dr Riati Scarboroughis is a researcher at the National Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship and a PhD fellow at the University of Melbourne. Her PhD focuses on improving our understanding of the conscious and subconscious mo…
Jan. 6, 2022

#59: Culture. With Drs Dave Nicol and Dermot McInerney

Culture . It can be hard to put your finger on it, yet in the setting of a vet practice, it permeates the work areas, floats into reception and beyond and ricochets off the walls. You can feel it when you walk in the door. L…
Dec. 23, 2021

Mitral valve disease update, with Dr Clint Yudelman

We chose to share this episode on mitral valve disease from our clinical podcast series ( vvn.supercast.com ) because I went into this interview thinking that, after 20 years in practice, I wasn't really going to learn many …
Dec. 17, 2021

#58: Money, and other dirty words. With Dr Sam Burke

Why does it sting so much when a client accuses us of ‘just being in it for the money”. I think it hurts because for most of us money is really quite low on the list of what drives us, so much so that we often actively avoid…
Dec. 2, 2021

#57: Pee is the key: how to unlock your cases with perfect-practice urinalysis. With Dr Kristen Todhunter

For such a seemingly simple sample there’s a lot you can learn from a urinalysis. Many of us also have a fair amount of uncertainty around much of the 'how' of urine sample handling, analysis and interpretation. It’s also th…
Nov. 22, 2021

#56: Ready, set... with Dr Moriah McCauley

It's the end of the academic year, and around the world, thousands of final year vet students are facing the start of their careers. It's an exciting time with a lot of optimism, but likely also a fair whack of anxiety. Ther…
Nov. 12, 2021

FIP update part 2: What if Remdisivir isn't an option? With Dr Sally Coggins.

In part two of our bonus FIP series Dr Sally Coggins - feline vet and FIP researcher - tells us about other potentially useful treatments, like mefloquine for FIP. This could be particularly useful if you are not in Australi…
Nov. 12, 2021

FIP Update: Everything you need to know about Remdesivir, with Dr Sally Coggins

This two-part bonus series is an update on everything FIP from our clinical podcast series. There have been some major changes in this space over the last few months, most notably around the legal access to Remdesivir for an…
Nov. 2, 2021

#55: Be more Forrest. With Dr Rob Pope.

Robert Pope is a British veterinarian, athlete and charity fundraiser. He is an elite distance runner, with a number of successes at the marathon and ultramarathon distances, including being the Australian marathon champion …
Oct. 21, 2021

#54: Telling the good from the bad and the ugly: In-house cytology tips. With Dr Brett Stone

In this episode, we speak to Specialist Veterinary Clinical Pathologist Dr Brett Stone. Brett has extensive experience in both clinical pathology and histopathology. He has worked as a pathologist in Australia and the UK for…
Oct. 13, 2021

#53: What are we so afraid of? With Drs. Kate Clarke and Magdoline Awad.

“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, most of which never happened.” Mark Twain In episode 49 we dissected one of the biggest fears that many vets have: the fear of an official board complaint, from the pers…
Sept. 19, 2021

#52: Aspirate, or just jiggle? (And other sampling questions answered.) With Dr Rebekah Liffman.

There are many things you do almost every day in your job as a clinical veterinarian, usually multiple times a day. Sometimes these things become so routine that you don’t even stop to think about what you do and how you do …
Sept. 9, 2021

#51: Some might call it stubborn. We call it courage. With Dr Mariana Pardo

Courage. Grit. Persistence. Some might call it stubbornness. Whatever you call it - our guest for this episode has it in spades. Dr Mariana Pardo is an emergency and critical care specialist at the Veterinary Emergency Group…
Sept. 2, 2021

#50: Is it ok to send a spleen in a bucket? With Dr Flaminia Coiacetto.

Yes. it's totally fine. In fact, it's the preferred way to send your spleens to the lab. Here's another thing that I learnt from this episode: pathologists don't necessarily look like Uncle Fester from the Adams Family! Join…
Aug. 28, 2021

#49: The dreaded client complaint, with Dr David Tabrett.

For this episode, rather than casting our conversational net wide and seeing which topics come up, we have a very specific topic. We wanted to get insights into complaints made against us as vets. Our goal with the episode w…
Aug. 12, 2021

#48: Burnout: Identification, predispositions and solutions. With Professor Gordon Parker

Thanks to Heska Australia for supporting this very important series of episodes on mental health, resilience, and burnout prevention. Go to https://www.heska.com.au to find out about ways to re-imagine the way you run your i…